Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our 797c Came TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOOOORRRAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! It finally came today!  Yesterday when I got home there was a ladybug (good luck in China) in the sink, so of course I thought that might be a sign and I ran to the mailbox.  No form!  I have been checking the mail as soon as I get home everyday!  And so this afternoon when I check it, there it was!  I screamed "It's here" and Tony met me in the driveway to see what I was screaming about!  I was soooooo excited!  We were finger printed June 10 and then we received the for today!!!!  Now we will work on the rest of this process.  We will get it notarized, then take it to the court house, then to Nashville to the Secretary of State and then I will mail it to the courier (The Assistant Stork) and they will hand deliver it to the Dept. of State and Chinese Embassy.  Once they are complete they will mail it back and I will send it to the agency (CCAI).  And then we will CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!  The dossier will be COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!  The agency will translate and bind it and then send it to China for us to be logged in!  That will be another celebration!  Then the real wait begins! 

We are all so excited and Blessed that things have gone so smoothly so far!  We pray that they continue to go perfectly and that we get to see our precious girl really soon!!!!!



Friday, July 8, 2011

Dossier Arrived!!!!!!

June 8, 2011
We recieved an emai ltoday that our dossier arrived at CCAI, our agency!!  Yiippp, yiippp, yiippeeee!  They will start the review process and we will wait for our 797c!  Hopefully once we recieve our797c the dossier will have been reviewed and be ready to go to the main office for translation and then on to China!  I look ofrward to celebrating that moment!  We have worked so hard on all the paperwork and are so ready to log in!!!!! 

We have been working on the blog getting it ready to "put out there."  Hopefully we will have it going very soon!

And our friend Terri has decided we need to put on a 5k to raise money for the adoption, more to come on this in the future!  But all you runners out there start practicing!!!!!!

Have a great night!!!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mailing the Dossier

July 6, 2011

I worked on the paperwork lastnight and got everything in order (I hope).  After getting all the copies together and going back through the pictures I finally had it all together.  So today I went and mailed the dossier to CCAI to start the review process.  I think they will received it Friday and then it will take several days for all the reviews.  We are still waiting on our 797C to come in but hopefully once we receive that and get it authenticated we will be ready for it to go to China!  I am so ready to celebrate the completion of the dossier!  It is a lot of hard work, but she will be worth every second of it!!!!!!!!!!!!