Friday, December 16, 2011

Travel Packet II

We got out Travel Packet II printed and ready to start the next step!  I will keep you all posted on everything!  Thanks for the prayers!!!!

We Got It Today

We knew we were suppose to get our LOA in the mail today, so I called our mailroom today and let them know that we were expecting a VERY SPECIAL delivery and to ask if he would call me when he received it!  Tony got my camera and came out to work for us to sign the paperwork and put it back in the mail.  I received a email from FedEx telling me that it had been delivered, so I waited awhile and then we went down to  see if it was ready!  Once we got down there Cody got it ready for us!  I got Cody to let me take his picture delivering our paperwork to us!  They were super sweet and helpful in getting it ready for us!  Then we signed everything,  made copies of everything and I put it back in the mail to CCAI!  One more step complete!!!!!!!!!!!!  Keep those prayers coming!!!

Our LOA, It's Here!!!!

Well it is finally here and what a day it has been!  Truthfully I was really frustrated today and had given up on hearing anything at all.  I figured it we were going to get any information it would come early in the mornings, so when lunch time came and went I had given up!  But I had really been "talking" to God today, I had told Him that if He was trying to tell us something else and we weren't listening that He was going to have to "slap" us in the face with it!  I told Him that we needed to hear something soon, we had been waiting for 3 1/2 months for our LOA and we were ready!  (a little background, people at work are always asking me if I know anything and I always tell them that they will hear me whenever we get any info and I thank them for asking about her)  So it's 1:25 and I look at my email and there it is!  It says our LOA has arrived!  I SCREAM, "Craig (my boss) it's here, it just came" and before he can even say a word I YELL pretty loud "It's here, we just got it" and everyone comes running!  It was wonderful!  And then the phone rings and it was Tony calling, he had just checked email and saw it too!  We were so excited, but I had a office full of people asking about it and so I had to call him back!  I was crying but it was definitely happy tears!!!!  Finally, after 3 1/2 months we had the next step of our journey to our sweet baby girl!  So I called the agency and emailed them all the info to overnight it to us!  Then I started texting everyone to let them know the news!  We are SOOOOO fortunate to have so many friends and family praying for us and being excited with us, it is wonderful!!!!  Then next step is to get the LOA tomorrow and then sign it and send it back to our agency!  We are ready to get this girl home!!!!  Stay tuned, hopefully things will get going now!  I will keep you posted!

Another Package

We got another package ready and mailed it today!  This package had some goodies for Emery and also some goodies for the Nannies!  We feel so blessed that these ladies are taking care of our sweet girl that we wanted to send them something in this package!  So we hope they like what we sent and we really hope to get an update soon!!!!!  We are ready to see what she looks like, I'm sure she is looking like a "big" girl now and not a baby!!!  Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

No News, but still Thankful

November 24, 2011
Well we still have no news but we are thankful that we have seen her sweet face and pray for her daily and know that one day soon we will put her in our arms!  We are truly thankful for friends and family that continue to pray for us, pray for Emery and ask about her regularly!  I think the whole town will hear us cheer and celebrate when we get our LOA!  It has been forever (atleast it seems like it to us)!  We are so ready to move forward!  But with this day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for our sweet new daughter and pray we have her to her forever home soon!!!!  And what a Thanksgiving we will have next year:) 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Still Waiting

Well, we are still waiting for news on our LOA and that next step to our daughter!  We have been trying to stay busy (which isn't hard with 3 children) and make the time pass a little quicker!  We have finished the girls room since I blogged last!  We got a new chest and put cute polk-a-dot knobs on it and have things ready for her arrival!  Today I packed up her 3rd package!  We sure do hope that she is getting them and that the clothes are fitting and that she is loving the new toys!!!!  Other than this there hasn't been very much going on with the process of getting her here!  We are in a yahoo group the posts info about their process and there have been several LOA's and several TA's the last 2 weeks, so hopefully ours will be soon! 
I think that's all the news here!  Here's a few pics of her package that we will be mailing Monday!  Please continue to pray that things will move along a little quicker!  We were sure hoping to have her home by Christmas but it's not looking like that will happen!  We have faith that God has the perfect time, so we are trying to be patient!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Working on Their Room

We did a little work on Allie and Emery's room today!  Allie's curtains in her room had her initials on them, so we decided to redo one window and put Emery's initials on it and have her dust ruffle on her bed match the one on Allie's bed.  So once again my friend Terri monogrammed the curtain and my mother in law redid the curtain and made the dust ruffle!  She had made Allie's bedding already!  So today she brought the curtain over and Tony hung it and tonight Tony and I put the bed together and put the bed skirt on it!  It is so cute!  I will get some pictures made and post soon!!!!  Just have a few things to move around and get ready!

Yesterday Allie and I went shopping and we picked up a few things to send over to Emery!  I got it all washed and packed up tonight so that Tony can go mail it tomorrow!!!  I put a little brown and pink long john set in there, some bibs, socks and toys!!!!  Hopefully we will be able to see her soon!!!!!!!

I will let you know if there is anything new!!!

Thanks for the prayers!

God is Great

I received a message on facebook from someone that I didn't know at all that simply said they had heard that we were adopting and thought that we may be at about the same place in our adoptions.  A long story short, we ended up talking and they live less than a mile from us, their new daughter is two days younger than Emery, she is from the same Provience and they are using the same agency as us!  Only God could work this out!  We were so excited to talk and know that our daughters will have each other to grow up with!  And that we will be able to support each other through this process!  We look forward to getting to know them and feel blessed to have them so close!  It would be wonderful if we ended up getting to travel together! And we are really close in the process!!!!  God is SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!

Ups and Downs

Well I finished getting everything together and ready to send Emery a package!  Terri monogrammed her a "silky" with her Chinese name on it, I sent some clothes, toys, disposable camera and a photo book!!!  I was so excited to have it all together and send it to her!  Tony took it this morning, so it's on its way to her!  She will finally know her forever family is coming for her!  This is our up for the day!!!  Then later in the day I emailed the agency to ask about how long LOA's are taking and they told me 3-4 months, I almost cried!  I really hoped to travel in 3-4 months! To say I was disappointed is an understatement!!!!  I need all prayer warriors to pray that things will continue to move quick and that we will have our daughter home really soon!  This of course is our down for the day!!!!  I know God has the perfect time for us, but I sure wish He would let us in on it!!!!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Her Bed is In

Her baby bed is in.  So Blaine, Allie and I went to pick it up.  My mother-in-law is going to make a dust ruffle to match Allie's for it, so we aren't going to put it together until we have that ready.  And she is going to redo one curtain in their room.  The curtains in Allie's room have her initials on them, so we are going to change one set to Emery's initials.  I can't wait to get all that together!!!!  I will post pics when we are finished!!!!

Thanks for all the prayers!  They are working.  Now we are praying that our LOA comes in soon!!!!  I would LOVE to have her home for Christmas!!!!!

More Questions

I called Sarah today with more questions.  I needed to be sure we could post about her and I had a few questions about the immigration paperwork.  And then I wanted to see exactly what we could send her in her package.  This will let her know that her forever family is coming to get her!!!  She gave me some great ideas and also told me that we may want to buy two of some things so that if we don't get them back that we will have a match to it.  She also told me to make them smell like us so that she could get use to our smell.  I can't wait to shop for her!  I already know of a few things that I want to send.  Anything I send had to fit into a shoe box.  We may be sending several boxes! Hee heeee......They will be requesting an update on her.  There are no guarantees that we will get one but they are asking.

We have our Pre-Approval

This has been the fastest process!  I feel so blessed, God definitely wants us to get this baby home!!!

Woo-hoo!  We received our Pre-Approval today!  I was sitting at the hospital visiting with my Dad when the email came through.  Again, I did not expect this so quick,  I though it would be a few weeks, but it was 5 days!!!!  We have been waiting on this information so that we could tell everyone!  We could tell friends and show her pictures, but I couldn't blog or post about her until we had this information.  We are getting ready to go our of town for the long weekend, so I read the email and tried to let it all soak in. We still didn't want to blog about it until I had talked to the agency and was sure it was ok to tell it.  So we will go enjoy the lake with family and friends and celebrate our new baby girl!!!!

More Paperwork:(

Man, I did not realize there was still so much paperwork after we were matched.  We were emailed another travel packet of information today.  It has some great information in it!  I can't wait to read all of it.  We also received information on filling out our I800 and I864W.  This is immigration paperwork.  Once we have it filled out, we will send it back off with our official LOA (Letter of Acceptance).

Paperwork Submitted

I have all our paperwork together and had the last piece notarized.  We had to sign an new post adoption agreement and send it in too.  The post adoptions visits have changed since we started this process, so we had to sign an new agreement and pay some extra money.  But she will be totally worth it!!!  We received an email fro Sarah at CCAI saying that our paperwork had been officially submitted (formally locked in)!!!  She said that we should have our pre-approval within a few weeks.  We are praying that this will go quick!  We have to receive our pre-approval to move on to the next step.

Paperwork Headed to China

We received our email today telling us that everything was headed to China.  This is our LOI (letter of Intent).  She told us that we would be getting our 2nd To Do List.  Tony printed everything out for us and I got it all filled out an ready. 

Paperwork Complete

I have all the paperwork complete, scanned and sent to Pam at the agency.  She could not believe that everything was already done so quick. I told her that that baby was not going to wait one more day because I had not completed some paperwork, so I am trying my best to get it done as soon as we get it.   She told me that we would receive another email telling us that our paperwork had been translated and sent to China.  We are praying that this will go quick!  It could take a few weeks!!!

WE HAVE A MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/24/2011  I know I can hardly believe it myself!!!!!!!!  I keep pinching myself to be sure I'm not dreaming!!!!  I got the call that I have been waiting for, but boy I was not expecting it at all.  I had been in a meeting at work and came out to find a missed call and message on my cell phone and work phone.  I told Craig (my boss), "that is weird, the agency has called me.  They probably need more paperwork."  I quickly listened to my message and it was Pam and she just said "Renee, I enjoyed talking to you so much yesterday that I thought I would call you back and chat today, please call me when you have a minute."  Of course I thought that was crazy but I quickly called her back and again she said "I really enjoyed talking to you yesterday and wanted to talk to you again, and she paused for a second, and then said those wonderful words and to tell you that I think we have the perfect match for you."  I had not thought about what I would do or say when I got the call and my response would definitely be different if I had it to do over, but anyway, I screamed "SHUT UP, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME."  Then of course I was crying and she ask if I wanted to hear about her so I was writing frantically everything she was telling me about her.  She told me that she loved to play with toys that make music, she loved to rock, when you reach to pick her up she will reach up for you and smile, (she sounded perfect).  So I ask her what her special need was and she said that she had a teratoma on her bottom and that she had surgery last September to have it removed and that she had recovered well and was doing great.  She also told me that there were pictures of that if I wanted to see her file!  I turned quickly and ask Craig if she could send it to me at work and then we  waited to receive it.  As we were waiting, she told me that we had a week to have her medical checked by our Pediatrician and make a decision (like there is a decision, I was already totally in love with this baby and hadn't even seen her).  The file came through and I thanked her for all the info and hung up to call Tony.  (now that I have thought about it, I could have conferenced him in on the call, but I could barely think).  So I call Tony at work and I'm yelling and crying and saying "guess what, we have a match", he says "sure you are funny, no we don't"  I told him all the details about her and that I couldn't make all that up and to open our email and see her.  I had already opened a picture and she was the most precious beautiful thing you have ever seen.  But the picture I opened she didn't have very much hair.  He opened a picture and said "look at all that hair".  Needless to say we were so excited.  I continued to give him all the details about her and print all her medical off.  We really couldn't believe it had happened so quick.  We were in shock!  But we knew there was no doubt, she was our new daughter and there were no questions about it!!! The last medical we have on her is at 7 months old.  She was 64cm in height, 6.2kg in weight, and her head was 42cm.  I that means about 12 1/2 lbs.  But the pictures show was a happy healthy baby!!! It looks like she is sitting up great all by herself, so I really don't think she is very delayed.She is perfect in our book!!! I then called my friend Beth (who is a teacher and told her all about her, but I also told her she couldn't say anything because Conner goes to the school where she teaches and I didn't want him to find out before we would tell him).  And then I call Tiffany (our Pediatrician/friend) and it was her birthday so she was off work that day.  I told her all about her and wanted to know if I could meet her with the paperwork to check it over for us!  So I left for lunch and took her the paperwork and tried to call all my friends(Terri, Suzanne, Amy, Gwen that have been so helpful and supportive through this process and no one answered!  I was so disappointed, I wanted to tell them and no one picked up.  I did get to talk to our friend Christy

God is so good!  It was been a wonderful day!!!!!!

Just Few Questions......

I called the agency with a few questions today!  I wanted to try to find out now that we were logged in where we were on the list, would she (Pam) be the one that calls me with a match, who it is that actually matches us and when during the month do they get children!  She told me that there were no magical lists with us numbered on them, but that we were at the front and that our waiting child "list" was really good.  She said that yes she or one of the other waiting child match people would be the ones to call me with the match.  And that they are the ones that match the children with their forever families.  She said that they receive babies throughout the month and once they are translated that they match them with families.  She did tell me that once a month they receive a shared list of children and that they stay up all night checking it for their families.  I thanked her for answering all my questions and told her that our process had been wonderful and that they had beat every timeline they had given me and that I hoped it continued.  She said she hoped that as well!!!

Now to wait for that call.  I really hope that it happens within the next month or so!!!!  That would be fabulous!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Logged In!!!! YIIPPEEEE!

We received an email today that we were logged in last Thursday!  I know fast, right!  It only took 1 day!!! That has God's hands all over it!  So our official LID (Log In Date) is 8/18/11!!!  We are so excited!  I hope to get more info tomorrow!!!  I will keep you posted!  Now we are just waiting to be matched with that perfect daughter/sister for us:)

Thanks for the prayers!

Paperwork at the CCCWA

We received an email that our paperwork was delivered to the CCCWA (China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption) today!  Now we will wait to be logged in!  Each step puts us one step closer to our daughter!!! They said it may be up to 4 weeks to log in!!! Stay tuned!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dossier Headed to China

We received an email today that our dossier was sent to China on Friday, August 12th!!!!!  Now the real waiting game begins!  We will wait to be logged in and then wait on the most important part, to be matched with our little princess!!!!  Thanks for all the prayers!  We are celebrating around here!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dossier is Complete!!!!!

I received an email from Jaime that the dossier is COMPLETE!!!!!  Finally, we are so excited to be finished with paperwork!  She had it ready to mail to their main office in Colorado for the translated and bound and then mailed to China!  We will now wait to hear that it has been mailed and then wait to be logged in!!!  We are getting closer!  We are so excited!!!!

Mailing the Final Form to CCAI

I have made copies of everything, wrote the checks to everyone and took everything to mail it to Jaime at CCAI!  She will have it tomorrow!  I look forward to getting that approval!!!

We Got It!!!

The paperwork came in today!  I am so excited to be finished with this part of the puzzle!!!!

The Last Step to Authenticating

The Assistant Stork took the form to the Department of State and Chinese Embassy today!

They picked our form up today and will be putting it back in the mail to us, so we should get it on Monday!  Yayyyyyy!  That was my plan, I'm so glad God and I were on the same plan!!!!!

Messed Up Return Label

The Mail Call people called today and had messed the return label up on our package.  When I overnighted the package yesterday  I also sent them a return overnight label.  The mail people filled that form out for me and reversed the addresses:(  Fortunately they caught it early and just needed an email address to send a new label, which they did!  Thankfully that was easy to fix!!!!!

Off to Washington

I have made copies and have everything in order and ready to go to the courier service!  We will pay the Chinese Embassy $20.00, the Department of State $8.00 and the courier service $65.00!  And she will be worth every penny!  My plan is that if I overnight it today and they receive it tomorrow then they will take it to Washington on Monday and it will take 5 days with the Chinese Embassy so they will pick it up next Friday and we will get it back on August 1st!  At least this is my plan!  I will let you know!  We will be out of town next week playing in the 12 year old All-Star tournament with Conner, so hopefully the week will go fast!!!!

Secretary of State

Tony took the form to the Secretary of State office today!  The lady there, who is very sweet, wanted to unstaple the papers and put them in the "correct" order.  I think tony alomst had a heart attack! He told her "No, I understand you think it needs to go another way, but please just leave it like it is and don't remove the staple."  LOL!!! Bless his heart!  I emailed the agency to double check the order and she assured me that they were fine!  I went and got the money order for the Chinese Embassy today and the plan is to mail it to the courier service tomorrow!!!!  The lady at the bank remember me from my last visit and told me to be sure and bring Emery by to visit wonce we get her!  She was so sweet!
Tony took the notarized copy to the Maury County Clerk office today!!  Just a few more steps!!!!!

Working On The Last Piece

I made copies of the 797c and had it notarized today!! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our 797c Came TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOOOORRRAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! It finally came today!  Yesterday when I got home there was a ladybug (good luck in China) in the sink, so of course I thought that might be a sign and I ran to the mailbox.  No form!  I have been checking the mail as soon as I get home everyday!  And so this afternoon when I check it, there it was!  I screamed "It's here" and Tony met me in the driveway to see what I was screaming about!  I was soooooo excited!  We were finger printed June 10 and then we received the for today!!!!  Now we will work on the rest of this process.  We will get it notarized, then take it to the court house, then to Nashville to the Secretary of State and then I will mail it to the courier (The Assistant Stork) and they will hand deliver it to the Dept. of State and Chinese Embassy.  Once they are complete they will mail it back and I will send it to the agency (CCAI).  And then we will CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!  The dossier will be COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!  The agency will translate and bind it and then send it to China for us to be logged in!  That will be another celebration!  Then the real wait begins! 

We are all so excited and Blessed that things have gone so smoothly so far!  We pray that they continue to go perfectly and that we get to see our precious girl really soon!!!!!



Friday, July 8, 2011

Dossier Arrived!!!!!!

June 8, 2011
We recieved an emai ltoday that our dossier arrived at CCAI, our agency!!  Yiippp, yiippp, yiippeeee!  They will start the review process and we will wait for our 797c!  Hopefully once we recieve our797c the dossier will have been reviewed and be ready to go to the main office for translation and then on to China!  I look ofrward to celebrating that moment!  We have worked so hard on all the paperwork and are so ready to log in!!!!! 

We have been working on the blog getting it ready to "put out there."  Hopefully we will have it going very soon!

And our friend Terri has decided we need to put on a 5k to raise money for the adoption, more to come on this in the future!  But all you runners out there start practicing!!!!!!

Have a great night!!!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mailing the Dossier

July 6, 2011

I worked on the paperwork lastnight and got everything in order (I hope).  After getting all the copies together and going back through the pictures I finally had it all together.  So today I went and mailed the dossier to CCAI to start the review process.  I think they will received it Friday and then it will take several days for all the reviews.  We are still waiting on our 797C to come in but hopefully once we receive that and get it authenticated we will be ready for it to go to China!  I am so ready to celebrate the completion of the dossier!  It is a lot of hard work, but she will be worth every second of it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Getting Organized

Well I made extra copies of everything and am anxiously awaiting on our dossier to come back so that we can send it to our agency (CCAI) to start the review process.  It will be reviewed 3 times and they will be sure everything is correct before it is sent to China!   Hopefully they will be finished reviewing it when we get our Approved  797 (this is the immigration paperwork to bring her back into the US) back! 
I organized our notebook and got everything ready!  I made another list of things to go over and am getting ready for you!  I emailed Jaime a few questions today!  I am ready to hear from our fingerprints, but she says it could take up to 60 days!  I don't like that very much!  We just completed them June 10th!   I was really hoping to be logged in sometime in August!!!!  I will continue to pray that this will happen a little faster, but I know that it is all in God's time!

6 months now and still waiting...

Wow!  As each day passes we get more and more excited about your arrival!  I think about all the things we will be able to do with you!  I can't wait to see your beautiful face and bring you home!  Everyone around us is getting more excited too!  It's hard to believe that we have been working on paperwork and planning for you for 6 months now!  Hang on sweet little girl, we are coming!

Paperwork Arrived

Our paperwork arrived at The Assistant Stork today!

I called to verify that they received everything.  They do have our paperwork and will be taking it to the Department of State and the Chinese Embassy tomorrow!  China now takes 5 days to process so it will be next Monday, June 27th before it will be ready to be picked up!

Mailed Dossier to Washington

I finally got everything together and ready to be mailed!  After work I mailed all the paperwork to The Assistant Stork.  We are getting more and more excited!  Each step gets us a little closer to our sweet baby girl!

More and more paperwork!

I worked and worked on paperwork!  I made copies of everything and I also made some calls to the courier servies that I had in our packet.  I decided to go with "The Assistant Stork".  They were very nice, answered all my questions and told me exactly what would happen and what they would do!

"Catch Up"

Well, I've been journaling all this time, but not updating on here!  So I'm going to try and catch up and do better about updating and keeping a log for our sweet baby girl that is out there waiting for us!

3/11- 3/12/2011
This was Wonderful Weekend for Women in Columbia.  This is a Christian Ladies conference and it's great!  My friends that started 147 Million Orphans bring all their gear to sell and spread the word about adoption so I went to the conference and helped them selling gear and had the opportunity to tell many people that we too were adopting and to please keep us in their prayers!

Today at church sweet Sara Langford had the cutest little piggy tails that were sticking straight up, adorable!!!!  Tonight when I tucked Allie into bed, she had this sweet grin on her face and when I ask her what she was up to she said "I'm just imagining me taking Emery into my school for parties and her having those cute pig tails in her hair like Sara."  She can not wait to meet her new baby sister!

Today was the day for my physical!  Hopefully all will go well and they will fill the form out correctly!

Today Tony went to get copies of everything we are going to need like, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, me a new social security card, etc....  One more piece of the puzzle!!!!

Tony went to pick the physical forms up today and they weren't correct:(  So they are going to fill out new forms for us to pick up!

The physical forms are s till not correct.  Tony took extra copies by the office this morning and I went at lunch to pick them up; Guess what ,still not correct.  Mine had his birthdate on it!  So I left them again and went back after work to pick them back up!  The signatures still didn't look the same to me!

Lisa Mosley (Adoption Associates) has our homestudy ready for us to review!  I reviewed it and made a few corrections and sent it back to her!

Tony went back to the doctor's office with the forms and had the doctor sign new ones at the same time!  Ho brought them to me at work so that I could send them to Jaime (CCAI) to review.  She thought that these would be fine!  PTL!!!!!!!!!!  Finally, correct physical forms!

Finally all the documents are ready and Tracy Ring notarized them today!  We are so excited to have another piece of the puzzle!

I did my passport paperwork today!!!!

Busy day today!  Tony did his passport paperwork!  And then we both had paperwork certified today!  I went to Nashville to the County Clerk's office and Tony took the other paperwork to the Columbia County Clerk's office and we had all the documents certified!!!!!!  He stopped on his way to work and picked up our notarized and certified copie of our HOMESTUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hooray, it's complete and approved!  One more piece to the puzzle!!!

I mailed our I-800 off today!  Hopefully it won't take too long!!

Our paperwork arrived in Dallas, TX today!!!!!

Today Tony took all the paperwork to the Secretary of State!!!  One more piece!!!

A very special Mother's Day today!  I got a wonderful necklace with all 4 of the kids names on it!  I LOVE IT!  It is great!  I have thought alot about our sweet baby girl today and her birthmom!  I pray that I have her in my arms very soon and that her birthmom has peace and will know that she is being loved and cared for unconditionally!!!!

We received Homeland Security papers today!  We were so excited, we thought it was our invitation for fingerprints, but it wasn't, it was just verifying our address!  Hopefully the invitataion will come soon!

We received our invitation for fingerprints today!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!  We are set to go June 10th! 

We received our passports!  One more piece of the puzzle!

Today our passport cards came in the mail!

We went and did our fingerprints today!  They were very nice and got us right in and out today!  They wished us the best on our adoption!!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

More paperwork....

CCAI sent us more paperwork to fill out and send in.  This is the paperwork to start working on our dossier!  I mailed that on Thursday, March 3rd!  They should have it on Monday!  And then we will really get into working on paperwork and more paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Stay tuned more to come!

Please keep us in your prayers, we know this is going to be long journey, but we are ready for it!


We are Approved!!!!!!!!!!

February 23, 2011
We received an email letter with our approval!  Hang on little girl we are coming!!!!!!!!  We alredy love you so much!  All the kids "fight" over you and we don't even have you yet!!!!

The Beginning

December 25, 2010
To say that this was a "SPECIAL" Christmas was an understatement!  The kids and I had been "working" on Tony and praying for him to come around and see that God truly was leading us to adopt.  Every opportunity I had I said something to him about adopting.  I have always wanted to adopt but then after 3 children that kind of went away, but the last 2 years I have really wanted to proceed.  I never thought Tony would ever come around and agree. But boy was I surprised!!!!
As Christmas came all I had told Tony that I wanted was his signature for an adoption for Christmas.  He kept telling me 3 children were enough and that we didn't need another one.  I kept telling him that he may not need another child, but another child needed us!  So Christmas morning my last present was a piece of stationary with his signature on the inside and it had a pink pacifier attached to it!  He did great!  We were all so excited, the kids were all crying,  I was crying, it was wonderful!  The kids immediately wanted to post it on facebook, we got them to hold on awhile before that happened!  There were still a lot of details to work out!  I did text some very close friends that had been praying for this to happen!  They were all so excited for us!  It was a very exciting and special Christmas!

December 27, 2010
I talked to Gwen and Suzanne about more details today!  They put me on the right track to start our homestudy!

December 28, 2010
I talked to our homestudy lady today! She is going to email me the application!  Once it is filled out we will meet with her and discuss all the details!

December 29, 2010
I faxed our application in for our homestudy today!  Yippeeee......

December 31, 2010
We received the other paperwork today.  We talked alot about our new daughter today!  We want her name to be Emery!  We are going to wait and use her Chinese name as her middle name!  Everyone is so excited!!!

January 2, 2011
Today at church Tony and Allie both stayed in the nursery with me.  We all loved on Sara all morning.  Sweet Emery will have a friend when she gets here!  Sara came home in October from China to a wonderful Forever family!  She makes us all melt!

January 9, 2011
Tony, Allie and I went shopping today!  We even looked at cute little clothes for Emery!  I also worked on our adoption notebook.  I have it all put together and organized.

February 4, 2011
Today I left a message for 3 different agencies.  I got a call back from CCAI.  He was great at answering all myquestions and filling me in and some other things we needed to know!

February 8, 2011
Lisa came to do our first home visit and go over our paperwork.  It was great!  She interviewed the kids and they loved it!  And we talked about agencies.  I still haven't heard from the other agencies.

February 9, 2011
I called the other 2 agencies again and still no return call!  I think it's a God thing that we go with CCAI!

February 10, 2011
We printed out the application for th agency and started filling it out.  Still very excited!

February 14, 2011
We finished all the paperwork and put it in the mail today!

February 17, 2011
CCAI sent us an email that they received our application and that we will hear back from them with 5 business days!  Yea, can't wait!

February 18, 2011
I receved a call from CCAI tday askinga few more questions and needing some more information.  She said once she receives that information she will send me an acceptance letter!  Can't wait to see that!  We also received an email from the "waiting child" director and she told us that she had received our list, thanked us and told us that there were more than 100 familes in front of us:(  I was sad to hear that, but happy that many children will be goingto forever homes!